With news of the first hard frost approaching, it was time to clean the plots. I had collected some tomatoes but not enough to do anything with until I received a call from my neighbor offering me their green tomatoes and the remainder of the Swiss chard for the chickens. It was serendipitous; now I had enough to can.
I decided to try my hand at green tomato salsa. A quick page-through of the Ball canning book helped create the following recipe. I figured a salsa would get more use than a chutney (my second choice) or even a vegetarian mince (inspired by my Irish friend).
Here is my recipe:
Canning is always evocative of one of my favorite Fall stories, “An Old Fashioned Thanksgiving.” It is my favorite of all of Louisa May Alcott’s works. Here is the passage I love,
“November had come; the crops were in, and barn, buttery, and bin were overflowing with the harvest that rewarded the summer’s hard work. The big kitchen was a jolly place just now, for in the great fireplace roared a cheerful fire; on the walls hung garlands of dried apples, onions, and corn; up aloft from the beams shone crook-necked squashes, juicy hams, and dried venison–for in those days deer still haunted the deep forests, and hunters flourished. Savory smells were in the air; on the crane hung steaming kettles, and down among the red embers copper saucepans simmered, all suggestive of some approaching feast.”
The idea of putting away my harvest for food for the impending winter is very satisfying.

Thanks to 7 swans for the inspirational pantry post
I wish this were my pantry. There is something special about home canned foods. It’s economical, healthy and just satisfying to look upon something you made. I’ve found that people seem to like preserves as gifts.
Do you can? What is your favorite thing to put up?
Yes, we do can, a lot. My jar storage looks much like your picture, though my husband added a lip to each shelf. Nothing hangs over the edge, or stacks.
My favorite item to can is probably pickle relish. It uses up the too-big cucumbers, it smells good and in the jar it looks so festive with it’s bright green and red colors.
Can you send your pickle relish recipe?
Also, I’ve never tried any green tomato recipes as I bring in all my green tomatoes and let them ripen to red. We brought in at least 1000 a couple weeks ago when we started having frost and almost every one has gone red. Just a few more green lingering. I just core and quarter these and cook and sieve into juice and into jam.
A lot of them are small, like pingpong ball size, but they all do ripen.
Do you put them in bags or in sunlight to ripen?
Hi, how do you work the reply mode? Nothing happens with the reply link.
My pickle relish recipe is in the Ball Blue Book of canning. I have never used anything else and I have used it as long as I can remember. Do you have that book?
I do…I will look it up. I need to look at the replies…I’m not sure if it is a WordPress issue or because i have Facebook comments loaded
Oh, I put them on tables, on top of dish towels. We have a bunch of those folding banquet tables and I set them up wherever there is room. Pick off the stem, if there is still one on, and put them stem side down. I always make a fruit fly trap for each area, just to be safe. Some of the tomatoes will be red already or partially red and those encourage the greens to change.
Thank you! Did you see the Moravian history post yet. I bet you will like the history