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family My Pennsylvania

Celebrating Our Dear Friends’ Wedding!

This will be a very photo heavy post but in light of all the recent sadness in the world, I wanted to focus on something happy.  Photographs by Catrina Carlson Our dear friends were married and we were honored to be part of the…

October 3, 2017

Peach Hand Pies

Once in a while, you have a thrift store find that is exceptional. I found this Sunbeam mini pie maker for five dollars at my local thrift store. It was unopened and in the original packaging. However, when the clerk took it out of…

September 3, 2017
food For the home

Spice Rack

I love to use spices in my cooking, but I’m not a fan of organizing them. The bottles come in different sizes, and they are all randomly shaped. My biggest pet peeve with spice bottles is that I can’t get my measuring spoon into…

August 21, 2017
children's activities family Gardening


I finally had success with carrots! I’ve never been able to grow them before and this year we are overflowing. Sadly, I think the children were overzealous when planting them and they are very small. In all fairness, the carrot seeds are very tiny…

August 14, 2017
family sewing

Wedding Planning!

My dear friend is getting married! It is a Celtic themed wedding, complete with tartan and bagpipes. My husband is officiating. He’s not a minister, but it is a civil ceremony. Pennsylvania allows self-appointing unions (part of our Quaker roots). He is more of…

August 7, 2017
family health pain management

The Broken Arm

We have our first broken bone in a family with five kids that include three boys; I guess we are fortunate. We had stopped to buy produce at our neighborhood farm stand, and my sons raced out back to play with their friend whose…

July 24, 2017
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